Portfolio > Still At It

Jerry Herst (76) and Julie Dorfman (75)
Retired owners of INSOLAR Window Treatments; honored as Protectors of the Environment (Avocation) by Chicago Audubon Society

Environmentalism runs through our lives. When we understood the dangers of climate change, we focused our business on insulating and solar shades. We bought pristine land in Michigan with friends, eventually donating the property so others could enjoy it. When the Jewish Reconstructionist Congregation decided to build a new synagogue, Julie made sure it was built to strict environmental standards; it became the first house of worship to earn LEED Platinum status. Knowing the power of local activism, Jerry joined the board of Citizens’ Greener Evanston. Upon retirement, we stewarded Evanston’s new Clark Street Beach Bird Sanctuary. As we contemplate climate change, pollution, population growth and decreased biodiversity, we fear for the future but are still hopeful.

Julie designed the quilt that forms the background image here. It is called “These are a Few of my Favorite Leaves.”

Jerry Herst & Julie Dorfman
Jerry Herst & Julie Dorfman